The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Composite
Play On - Broadway Musical
Rose - a Broadway Play
Big Apple Circus - the Medicine Show
LotR: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings Heroes
The Bridge of Khazad-dum
Helm's Deep
Heir to the Thone of Gondor
The Army of the Dead
The Lord of the Rings - the Witch-king
If you want him, come and claim him.
Frodo and Sam - Mount Doom
Frodo and Sam - Mordor
Gandalf the White
The Light of Earendil
The Balrog
Minas Tirith Battle
Sam and Shelob
The Evil forces of Middle-earth
Bel Ray Oil Company
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Composite
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Composite

Created to be used in advertising as well as merchandise.

Play On - Broadway Musical
Play On - Broadway Musical

Original art scanned and composited. Arrangement of elements changed as various ads were created.

Rose - a Broadway Play
Rose - a Broadway Play
Big Apple Circus - the Medicine Show
Big Apple Circus - the Medicine Show
LotR: The Two Towers
LotR: The Two Towers

Created box art for the award winning Electronic Arts videogame.

The Lord of the Rings Heroes
The Lord of the Rings Heroes

A composite created for a calendar partner.

The Bridge of Khazad-dum
The Bridge of Khazad-dum
Helm's Deep
Helm's Deep

Photo selection and creation of ready made art for partners.

Heir to the Thone of Gondor
Heir to the Thone of Gondor
The Army of the Dead
The Army of the Dead
The Lord of the Rings - the Witch-king
The Lord of the Rings - the Witch-king
If you want him, come and claim him.
If you want him, come and claim him.
Frodo and Sam - Mount Doom
Frodo and Sam - Mount Doom

I was provided with just two character renderings of Gollum/Smeagol to be used for the entire merchandise campaign.

Frodo and Sam - Mordor
Frodo and Sam - Mordor
Gandalf the White
Gandalf the White
The Light of Earendil
The Light of Earendil
The Balrog
The Balrog

There was not a lot of good still imagery to depict this scene, so I did a photo montage.

Minas Tirith Battle
Minas Tirith Battle
Sam and Shelob
Sam and Shelob
The Evil forces of Middle-earth
The Evil forces of Middle-earth
Bel Ray Oil Company
Bel Ray Oil Company

Created this for a t-shirt to commemorate the company's 50th Anniversary.